Thursday, July 30, 2009

Legit Work-at-Home jobs

Legit Work At Home Jobs

Yes, it’s possible to find well paying work you can do from home that’s not a SCAM…
- Some pay $70k or much more
- Turn a passion into a paycheck
- Find best paying jobs in America
- Parents who say they want to spend more time with their children.
- People with disabilities

Note: Our Email Sending jobs/Data Processing Jobs have have the best results...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Direct Marketing and Advertising Ads

You have only to look around to agree with the estimate that the average person in this country is exposed to hundreds of advertising messages, perhaps as many as several thousands, every single day. We know that it is a numbers game. If ads are shown to 20 million consumers, only a very small percentage will go to the store and buy the product. But if ads are shown continuously, year after year, an image is created and maintained.
Advertising is the root of every free-market economy. It creates product awareness and stimulates consumer demand. Consumers who don’t know a product won’t but it. Advertising not only determines what we buy, but it shapes our view of the world. It tells us remedies to take for headaches and indigestion, how we should dress, and what we should eat. The power of advertising is art/poetry of taking little and making it much.
It is the form of promotion over which the organization has the greatest control. In an advertisement, you can say whatever you want, as long as you stay within the boundaries of the law and conform to the moral and ethical standards of the advertising medium and trade associations. Of the various forms of promotion, it is the best for reaching mass audiences quickly at a low per-person cost.
Together, the nation’s 100 largest advertisers spend more than $52 billion a year on advertising. The percentage of income that a company spends on advertising varies according to the product and the market. A major company like Coca-Cola may spend 30 percent of total earnings to promote its products in a highly competitive market; a company that manufactures heavy industrial machinery may spend less then 1 percent. In most small business, the typical advertising budget is 2 to 5 percent of income.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009




Advertisers are rolling up their sleeves. There’s a lot of hype about a medium that has yet to prove itself as an effective marketing tool. The internet has come a long way. Not so long ago, Web site operators were wringing their hands over disappointing ad sales. But today industry experts predict that annual advertising revenues on the Internet could reach over 10 billion.
Why is advertising on the net starting to click with corporations? What has actually changed? The sheer number of people on the internet (60 million today) is becoming too large for companies/industries to ignore. Some expect that number to put the Web on a fast track to coveted mass-media status. In the past decade, the internet has gone from a haven for nerds and academics to a hangout for teenagers, professionals, and grandfathers alike. This rich demographic shift, coupled with technology that promises to make the internet ads almost as much of a “must see” as those on television, have finally turned the Web into a hip place to pitch.
What are the advantages of Web ads? The buzz about the Net’s technology makes it possible to target specific customers is becoming reality. Unlike a TV ad on say, (House, ER), which is aimed broadly at the cool, thirty something audience, a cyber promo can zero in on people who live in a specific part of town, are females, and have shown an interest in certain topics or products. How? Much of this is done through a technology called “cookies,” which are like electronic footprints that chronicle your movements on a particular internet site – what ads you saw or what you clicked on for more information. Just keep in mind that the information is stored in a cookie file in your browser, and the next time you drop by the same Web site, the server picks up your footprint and gathers more information that can then be shared with advertisers. Note that privacy advocates fret about cookies, web site operators insist they’re not a problem because surfers can disable them.
This is ancient history, according to Parker Brothers- whose banner campaign brought over 100,000 visitors during its infant stage to its Trivial Pursuit game on the Internet – Ad/Web advertising is a complete success. So while advertisers figure out how to make advertising work on the Web, the true winners – those who will gain a competitive edge through Web advertising – will be those who can apply new technology to advertising in a creative and innovative way.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Global Business

Global Business
Another approach to international business is licensing. Important point, license agreements entitle one company to produce or market another company's product or to utilize its technology in return for a royalty or fee. Sounds good with our company. Here's an example - a U.S. business might obtain the rights to manufacture and sell a Scandinavian skin lotion in the United States, using the Scandinavian formula and packaging design. The U.S. company would be responsible for promoting and distributing the product, and it would pay the Scandinavian company a percentage of its income from sales in exchange for the products rights.
Licensing deals can also work the other way, with the U.S. company acting as the licenser and the overseas company as the licensee. Another important point, the U.S. firm would avoid the shipping costs, trade barriers, and uncertainties associated with trying to enter other markets, but it would still receive a portion of the revenue from overseas sales. Moreover, licensing agreements are not restricted to international business. A company can also license its products or technology to other companies in its domestic market.
Just going to expand a little on franchising. This technique is getting expensive everyday. Franchising is another was to expand into foreign markets. With a franchise agreement, the franchisee obtains the rights to duplicate a specific product or service (ex. restaurant, photocopy shop, or a video rental store). And the company selling the franchise obtains a royalty fee in exchange. Holiday Inn WorldWide has used this approach to reach customers in over 60 countries. The point is that by franchising the operation, a company can minimize the costs and risks of global expansion and bypass certain trade restrictions.
The Dollar Store has been valuable franchise during these turbulent times

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Easy Way : Article Marketing

This is information that has never been told so eay. Just imagine for a many more sales could you make, how many more niches could you dominate if you could follow a blueprint to success with Ezine using a fail-proof system?
I'm not concerned about creating competition for myself by showing you exactly what I’m doing at EzineArticles... Hardly a day passes that someone doesn't assault your email account with the a new way to attract visitors to your web site. Unfortunately, these promises are most often destined to go poof in the night when they meet the day light of reality.It is possible to connect with others who have potential, genuine interest in what you have to share and provide, if you are willing to invest the time and effort to reaching out in longer lasting and more proven channels. One of those proven channels is the use of articles to share information while establishing your authority or expertise on a given topic. This guy, Dean has established a virtual legacy for himself at through the posting of over 400 articles. Don't let that frighten you. Dean's new "Underground Secret EzineArticles Manifesto" shows you how you can benefit from the posting of a single article. It should become a primary reference resource each time that you choose to use article marketing to market online. Dean shares with you his specific guidelines for writing profit pulling articles tailored for use on Seems like a long time but Dean cautions you not to invest 3 years of your life trying to discover what works and what doesn't work with article marketing. Simply follow Dean's proven steps and formulas and leave the aspirin in their containers.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Google -- The New Way To Make Money

Google AdSense is a type of program that is designed to place ads based on relevant content. Assumptions are made regarding the audience that might have an interest in that content. As a result, the ads that are created based on the content actually make sense. If you have been involved in Internet marketing and advertising for awhile you may be familiar with the term Contextual Marketing.
This type of marketing is based on matching ads with the nature or context of the content on the website as well as the audience that visits that website. For example, if you have a website about gardening, then you might have an ad on your website that advertising organic seeds. Or, if you have a website about fly-fishing then you might have an ad for fishing lures or fishing resorts.
Google AdSense takes this concept and broadens it. With this program, the context of the ad can be adjusted to a finer level than just the website. It can be adjusted according to the page, the article that is on the page, etc. As a result, the ads will always align with the content that appears near them. The idea behind this is that they will be of greater interest to the reader.
You may be wondering how you can benefit from this. It is really quite simple. Each time that a visitor to your website clicks on one of the ads that has been placed on your website, you earn money. The more highly targeted the ads, the more clicks you will receive and consequently, the more money you will earn. One of the great benefits of this program is that the ads are text-based and very easy to read. Although the ads are relevant to the content on your site, they do not overshadow it. Furthermore, they do not irritate visitors. You have probably seen a ton of these ads yourself.
No matter what type of website you have, AdSense offers you the opportunity to make money on every single page. The algorithms of the program will automatically select and then display the ads on your website in order to generate the most revenue possible; so that once you have it set up there will be very little work for you to do.

Friday, July 17, 2009

What are Tax Lien Certificates?

I'm sure you think that sounds great, but what are Tax Lien Certificates? Tax Lien Certificates (TLCs) are financial notes that you can purchase from counties in several states across the country. These TLCs are actually in lieu of unpaid taxes by those who own properties in these counties. When property owners don’t pay their taxes, the counties do not have the money to fund their yearly budgets. So many states have enacted laws that allow the counties to collect their funds another way. That other way is by selling TLCs to investors.
The counties sell the unpaid taxes to investors who are willing to pay the taxes for (1) a lien against the owner's property, and (2) the rights to get high interest rates if the property owner eventually pays the money back. If the property owner doesn’t pay their taxes, plus interest, by the state defined time limit the lien gives the TLC owner the right to the property. In these cases the TLC purchaser can file paperwork to take possession of the property.
The rates of interest you can expect range from 8% all the way up to 50%, depending on the state. For example, Texas allows for 2% each full or partial month, or 24% a year! And, on an annual basis you can actually exceed these rates in some cases. This is possible because some states have a set penalty or fee for redemption regardless of when the tax lien is redeemed. For example, in New Jersey there is a 3% penalty in addition to a 15% per annum interest rate. So, your best rate of return is actually when the property owner pays the very next day. That would give you a rate of return of 3% x 365 or 1095% on an annual basis. As good as that is, you won't be able to repeat the feat for the other 364 days of the year. You will usually prefer to let them take a little longer to pay.
The state set redemption time limits (when you can file for possession of the property) can range from less than a year to several years. And once that point has been reached you have another state defined time limit by which you must file on the property or lose the lien altogether. So, if you want to give the owner some more time, and you some more interest, you can wait. Or, if you want to see if you can get the rights to the property you can file right away.
There are as many formats to tax lien sales as there are counties! The following is a rendition of one of the many variations on sale methods.
You time your traveling so that you arrive at the sale at 8 a.m. This is one hour before the sale starts and is the time this particular county starts accepting registrations for the sale.
The people at the county treasurer’s office are there at tables taking registration information. They request a filled out w-9 for each investor, as they will be reporting investor earnings to the IRS. They take your name, address, and phone number etc... They assign you a bidding number for the sale. The treasurer’s office also provides you with a sheet with instructions for the sale and a packet with the listing of the tax liens for sale this day. You find yourself a good seat and spend the extra time you have reviewing the tax lien listing. You are looking for words and indications of properties you wouldn’t want if they were offered to you. It might be just too high or too low of a price. Or, it might be that there is a significant number of previous tax years tacked on to the sale item. Or, it might be that the wording indicates the property is "common property" and would be difficult to redeem. Or it might be improvements only, like a farm silo, and you are not interested in farm silos.
In any case, you mark up your listing so that you know not to accept your "no" tax liens. If a particular property is borderline and you haven’t decided yet, you place a question mark next to it so you can decide later depending on how your investment day is going.
The sale starts promptly at nine. The county treasurer gives a little information on how the sale will be run; that the sale is “buyer beware”; that the investor has no direct rights to the property they receive (i.e., you are not allowed on the property as that would be trespassing), and asks if there are any questions before they start.
The sale starts.
At this particular sale, they use bingo balls to pick the investor. As each ball comes out the investor number is called out. If the investor wants the tax lien they say “yes”. If they do not they say “no”. A “no” answer means that the treasurer takes out another ball and calls on another investor. Eventually someone accepts the tax lien and all the balls are put back into the bingo machine. Then the next property on the list is read out and a new ball is picked.
Each of the properties is gone through one by one until they have all been taken by investors.
At the end of the sale the treasurer’s office needs time to tally up the totals for each investor. You are asked to come back at 2 p.m. to pay for your purchases. This sale was over by 11:30 a.m.
You head off for some lunch. In the meantime you also add up your purchases to see if they agree with the county’s total. When you arrive at 2:00, and the total agrees, you write out your check. The county gives you copies of your tax lien certificates. You head back home, confident that you will be making good interest on your money.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Posting Your Resume Online

You can post your resume online either through an index service or on your own homepage. This is jus a suggestion. To post your resume on an Index service, you simply prepare the information to be put into the database and then transmit it by mail, fax, modem, or email. When employers contact your index service, specifying all the key words found in qualifying resumes, your index service sends them a list of names along with resumes or background profile sheets. Finally, employers can decide whether to interview any of the people on the list. When posting your resume on your home page, you can retain a nicer looking format, and you can even include color photographs of yourself, links to papers you’ve written or recommendations you’ve received, and sound or video clips.
For any job, your ultimate goal is an interview with potential employers. The fastest way to obtain an interview is to get a referral from someone you know. Some organizations recruit students for job openings by sending representatives to college campuses for interviews. Employers also recruit candidates through campus publications and the employment bureaus operated by some trade associations. Unsolicited resumes can be vital for obtaining interviews-just remember that every 100 letters you send out, you can expect to get only about 6 interviews.
This site instantly submits a resume and job requirements on up to 75 top sites including Monster,, CareerBuilder, Net-Temps, Dice and more!!! Here you may be seen by 1.5 million employers and recruiters DAILY. Best of all, its FREE. It takes about 5 minutes and saves you over 60 hours of research and data entry. Sign-up and submit your resume Today...

Best Wishes

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Proven Money Making Business..

Still Searching for the answer? I thought you might feel that way. Why else would you have searched and landed on this web page? I am willing to bet this is not the first Web Page you have visited in search for that "answer". I know because guess what? I did the same thing. If I am correct I bet you are also thinking that you are sick and tired of what is happening in your life right now. There is a tremendous amount of Internet or other Home Based Businesses out there that you can choose from. However, only you know what Business will be the best Business for you. The right Business will create a lifestyle of your choice. You will be able to do what you want when you want, provided it uses the power of leverage; that is, leverage of your time and leverage of your efforts. If you are skeptical, fearful, or even if you have been burned before, you are in the majority.... I ask you one simple question and I want you to think about this, have you ever met a skeptical Millionaire? People who are truly motivated to make a change will do so no matter what the circumstances are. They take a leap of faith because there is no doubt in their mind that the experience is an opportunity to grow and if others can do it - no doubt so can YOU!
Here are some of my top selections:
Instant Cash Job - Earn $3000 Per Month
Work From Home - Data Entry
Make $100 to $1000 Per Day - Email Sending Job
Business Contracts plus Entertainment Agreements
Advertising Cost to Zero - Email Millions!!!
Traffic Sage - Leave the Traffic to US!!
Make $$$ Taking Online Surveys
Business Opportuntiy-Computing & Internet
Twitter - Makes Money Online
Data - Entry Jobs and Training (Work from Home)
Make up to $4,000 per WEEK from Home
Opening a Dollar Store Tool Kit
Business to Business - Lead GeneratorGet out of Debt!!!
Make $$$$ -- 3 Hour Profits
Business-Ad Articles
6000 Satellite TV Channels on PC or Laptop/Live
Fun and Entertainment-Catch Trout
Choose the Price, Car & House
Free Classified Ads
How to Quit Smoking in 5 Days

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Michael Jackson - The Greatest Icon in Music

We see Michael Jackson as one of the greatest icons in the music industry in our lifetime. It will be fitting to honor him at the Reggae Sumfest. MJ impacted on all the people who grew up listening to his music over the years, mine for sure. He definitely gave us some wonderful music.
Jackson had actually visited and performed in Jamaica in 1975 as a member of the Jackson Five. The group was hosted then by former Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, at his home in Temple Meads, St Andrew. At the time, Seaga was Opposition leader and head of the Jamaica Labor Party. The Jackson Five was the opening act for Bob Marley and the Wailers at the National Stadium.
The 17th annual Reggae Sumfest will get under way on July 19 with the annual beach party at Cornwall Beach, featuring Errol Lee and the Bare Essentials, Cameal Davis, Khalil, Timeka Marshall, ZJ Ice, DJ Mix Master Marvin and Crazy Neil. They will be backed by Danger Zone Super Strong.
From July 23 to 25 at Catherine Hall, there will be performances from acts such as Beenie Man, Bounty Killer, Vybz Kartel, Mavado, Lady Saw, Elephant Man, Busy Signal, Spice, Kiprich, Flippa Mafia, D'Angel, American R&B stars Ne-Yo and Jazmine Sullivan, Morgan Heritage, Jah Cure, Coco T, Queen Ifrica, multi-Grammy-winning star Toni Braxton, Nas, Damian 'Jr Gong' Marley, Tarrus Riley, Etana and Da'Ville.
Reggae Sumfest brings in an estimated 5,000 visitors to the island, along with US$5 million in revenue to Jamaica, be in Jamaica..
Reggae Sumfest is produced annually by Summerfest Productions. We come to honor and succeed...

Five Ways To Stay Debt-Free

So if the bills/debt are building up, you're living paycheck to paycheck, and there is no relief in sight, follow this advice to dig yourself out - one debt at a time.
1. Pay more than the minimum - Many loans are set up so that the minimum payment goes mostly toward the interest. If you can afford it, triple up on those minimum payments. Ex. "if you have $10,000 in credit card debt, u r probably paying 15% in interest, and make minimum payments, it will take 25 years to pay off that debt". You don't want to be a slave to credit card companies. Good Book: Zero Debt for College Grads author Lynnette Khalfani.
2. Create a credit card payment strategy - One place to start, after making a budget, is to pay off the card with the lowest balance first. If you make a few sacrifies, like skipping happy hour or making one less $200 purchase (think gadgets and shoes) per month, those savings can be applied toward the debt. The same strategy works with lines of credit and personal loans, too. To fight temptation, opt-out of receiving mail-order credit card solicitations by calling 888-5-OPTOUT.
3. Stop spending - NOW!! - As you pay off your credit cards, don't cancel them. Instead, take all of the credit cards out of your wallet and put them in a jar half full with water. Put jar in the freezer. The idea is to keep the cards out of your pockets and limit impulse shopping. Also, by putting it in the freezer it is not in your pocket, but you have it in a safe place in case you need it in an emergency. While your cards are put away, negotiate with creditors to get better rates. You have to be in good standing to get the most out of this deal, which means continuing to pay your bills on time.
4. Shop for better rates - When you get a great opportunity for a lower interest rate, go for it. Instead of the 14% or 22% interest rate you're currently paying, you can transfer to a card that offers you a 6% or 9% rate to save hundreds or thousands over the course of the year. Shop for better rates and take advantage of offers provided by bank, credit union, or other lending institutions that offer low rates for transfer. But don't bounce around to much because doing so results in too many credit inquiries, which can lower your credit score. Also consider debt consolidation, which is taking several debts and converting them into one monthly payment.
5. Manage your own finances - Whether sharing finances or flying solo, you should always know three things about your debt: (I) How much you have (II) How much it's costing you, and (III) How to deal with it. If you don't, it will always cost more than you think and take even longer to pay off. The debt may not go away overnight, but with discipline and by following these few steps, it will shrink a lot sooner.

If you are currently looking for business opportunities or extra income, please go to They have a variety of products that may be beneficial. Success comes when we work together.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Starting and Managing a Small Business in Today's Competitive Environment

Small business owners are a growing and powerful economic force. But starting a new business or successfully managing a small company in today's global economy will require creativity and a willingness to exploit new opportunity. Small companies often lack sheer resources to buffer them from competition. That's why their biggest challenge is to find a position or make a product that is hard to imitate ---- or that competitors choose not to imitate ---- because if something is easy for the large competitors to do, they will.
Using technology to level the playing field, meeting an unsatisfied consumer need through better service or a higher quality product, and thinking globally are some of the ways small business can compete successfully against industry Goliaths. Many are already meeting this challenge.
Bigness // Smallness Stability // Change Predictability // Uncertainty Continuity // Flexibility Heirarchy // Empowerment Mass production // Specialty shops Hiring // Outsourcing and contracting Production orientation // Customer orientation Management // Leadership Middle managers // Computers 9 to 5 work schedules // Telecommuting Gold as currency // Information as currency

Computers and sophisticated telecommunications equipment make it possible for employees to work in scattered locations. Tomorrow's workers will be freelancers, contractors, and analysts-for-hire. Their work will be brain-intensive instead of labor intensive. And they will be more diverse in race, gender, age, physical and mental abilities, lifestyles, culture, education, ideas, backgrounds. Corporate commitment to employee diversity will require programs such as those enacted by Wisconsin Power and Light, and Xerox. These companies view diversity as something more than a moral imperative or business necessity. They see it as a business opportunity----a competitive edge. Think BIG or don't think at ALL... Earn money with FREE CLASSIFIEDS!!

Here is a link for those who are interested in opening a Dollar Store (tool kit to SUCCESS) Opening a Dollar Store Tool KitAnd if you have any issues with smoking -- this is a good site---How to Quit Smoking in 5 DaysAll information can be located on the product page on the website listed above.

Business Today & Future...

Build a Better Business – One way to distinguish your business as an ethical organization is to join the Better Business Bureau (BBB), a private, nonprofit business group whose members agree to maintain specific standards for operating ethically and for addressing customer complaints. The BBB’s Web site is packed with information about the organization, its member businesses, and its programs that will benefit businesses and consumers alike. You can find reports on companies, register complaints, get help resolving grievances, access publications on everything from buying a new car to obtaining financial aid for college, find out about recent business scams and how to avoid them, find information about charitable organizations, and much more…

Safely Surf- Have you ever gotten a telephone solicitation from a fly-by-night company? Have you ever been the victim of an Internet Scam? Although the majority of telemarketing and online businesses are legitimate, fraudulent businesses bilk consumers out of billions of dollars every year. Fortunately, The National Fraud Information Center (NFIC) is helping consumers fight back. The center was established by the National Consumers League (NCL) to safeguard consumers against telemarketing and Internet Fraud. Even if you consider yourself a savvy consumer, the site contains a lot of valuable information to help you avoid being ripped off in the future.